The main purpose of this map is showing the harvester RPM, which has direct influence on harvest yield.
The harvester works in contact with the coffee plant by stripping the coffee beans using a vibration that can be adjusted (RPM). The map geometry is displayed as tracks. 

Available information in Legend
Area - displays the areas delimitations (field plot, sector, farm) registered in system.
- Area [hectare].

Shaker Roll System Working - shows the rotation levels in areas where the coffee has been stripped with the machine system working.
- Range [rpm] - range (5 ranges) of RPMs used during the process;
- Duration [h: min: s] - time spent on each range;
- Percentage [%] - percentage of the time spent on each range.

Shaker Roll System Stopped - shows the rotation levels in areas where the coffee has been stripped with the machine system stopped.
- Range [rpm] - range (5 ranges) of RPMs used during the process;
- Duration [h: min: sec] - time spent on each range;
- Percentage [%] - percentage of the time spent on each range.

Available information in Report
- Total area [hectare].

Shaker Roll System Working
- Total duration [h: min: sec] - total time spent in coffee stripping;
- Average speed of shaker rolls  [rpm].

Shaker Roll System Stopped
- Total duration [h: min: sec] - total time spent in coffee stripping;
- Average speed of shaker rolls  [rpm].

Additional functions
- Legend edition for setting the ranges; 
- Zoom control ( '+' and '-' and function 'Shift' + selecting the desired area with the mouse); 
- Full-screen view; 
- Summarized report; 
- Map centralization using the 'planet' icon; 
- Show/hide legend; 
- Drawing an area.