Alarm – alarms correspond to any machine problem informed by it to the operator, whether by visual/audible signal. Selecting this layer will display all alarms on the map in small colored round shapes (colors chosen randomly by the system) at the place where they took place. Clicking on them will display the pop ups with their respective operating information.  Among the sprayers, only Uniport 3030 has alarms.

Area – by selecting this layer, the areas registered in system will be displayed on the map;

Event – events correspond to any stoppage whose reason has been informed by the operator (E.g.: machine filling up). Selecting this layer will display all the events that took place during the operation in small colored round shapes (colors chosen randomly by the system) at the place where they took place. Clicking on them will display the pop ups with their respective operating information;

Stop – it is considered as stops any machine motion interruptions (when the speed reaches 0 km) and not necessarily must have a reason related to its cause (such as in the case of an event). They are displayed on the map in small colored round shapes (colors chosen randomly by the system) at the place where they took place. Clicking on them will display the pop ups with their respective operating information;

Route – enabling this layer will display the machine route (colored track) on the map through all the places where the machine passed. Clicking on any part of the route track will open a pop up with their respective operating information at that particular point.