It contains information about harvest (total volume, average productivity) and machine (route distance, harvester rotation) during the harvest process for the selected period.
Harvest is understood as the operation of stripping the coffee bean out of the coffee plant during the route of the machine.
The harvest map geometry is presented as round shapes (for harvest) and tracks (for route).

Harvest mode:
Manual -  the course distance and the harvest quantity are not accrued. 
Auto -  the course distance and the harvest quantity are accrued.

Available information in Legend
Area – displays the areas delimitations (plot, sector, farm) registered in system.
- Area [hectare].


Harvest - provides information on the harvested quantity during the automatic harvest process as well as the time spent to carry out this task.
- Range [kg] - range (5 ranges) of coffee harvested during the process;
- Duration [h: min: s] - time spent during harvest in each range;
- Percentage [%] - percentage of time spent on each harvest range.


Manual Harvest - manual harvest takes place when the operator pushes a button so that the conveyor works manually. Therefore, the system cannot count the amount of coffee harvested since the quantities are controlled visually and might have variations. Thus only the course information in which the harvest was carried out manually is presented by the system. 
- Distance [km] - shows the distance in which the manual harvest took place.


Available Information in Report
- Total area [hectare].

- Total duration [h: min: sec] - total time spent in harvest;
- Total traveled distance [km];
- Total volume [kg];
- Average speed [km/h];
- Average speed of shaker rolls  [rpm];
- Average productivity[kg/h];
- Average productivity[kg/m]. 

Manual harvest
- Total duration [h: min: sec] - total time spent in harvest;
- Total traveled distance [km];
- Average speed [km/h];
- Average speed of shaker rolls  [rpm].

Additional functions
- Legend edition for setting the ranges; 
- Zoom control ( '+' and '-' and function 'Shift' + selecting the desired area with the mouse); 
- Full-screen view; 
- Summarized report; 
- Map centralization using the 'planet' icon; 
- Show/hide legend; 
- Drawing an area.