It displays information on the time spent on field activities such as Route, Alarms, Events and Stops.
The main purpose of this map is to display the time range in which the operator has worked and the potential stoppages for planning follow up.
The time range map geometry is displayed as round shapes (for Events and Stops) and tracks (Route);

 Available information in Legend

Area - displays the areas delimitations (field plot, sector, farm) registered in system.
- Area [hectare].

Alarm- alarms correspond to any machine problem informed by it to the operator whether by visual/audible signal.
- Initial Range [h: min: sec] - range (5 ranges) of times in which the alarm took place. Each range has an initial and final time in which the alarm took place;
- Duration [h: min: sec] - time spent during each of the 5 time ranges;
- Percentage [%] - percentage of time spent on each of the 5 time ranges.

Note: some examples of Warnings: Failure on Alternator 1, Failure on Alternator 2, High Voltage, Low Oil Pressure, Low Voltage, Clogged Air Filter, Water in Fuel, Low Oil Level, 10V Short Circuit, Short Circuit on Left Boom, Short Circuit on Right Boom, Emergency Key.

Event - events correspond to any stoppage whose reason has been informed by the operator.
- Initial Range [h: min: sec] - range (5 ranges) of time in which the events took place. Each range has an initial and final time in which the events took place;
- Duration [h: min: sec] - time spent during the events;
- Percentage [%] - percentage of the time spent on each event.

Note: K3 harvester currently has the following Events in its system with their respective numbers: Changing the Trailer = (1), Inputs Supply = (2), Meals = (3), Physiological Needs = (4,) Fill Up = (5), Changing Operator = (6), Checking the Machine = (7), Adjustment = (8), Data Transfer = (9), Maintenance = (10), Broken Machine (11), Wind = (12), Rain = (13), Bogged Down = (14), Change Tractor = (15) and = Others (16).

Stop - any machine motion interruption is considered as a stop (when the speed reaches 0 km) and not necessarily must have a reason related to its cause (such as the Event).
- Initial Range [h: min: s ] - range (5 ranges) of time in which the stops took place. Each range has an initial and final time in which the stops took place;
- Duration [h: min: sec] - time spent during each of the 5 time ranges;
- Percentage [%] - percentage of time spent on each of the 5 time ranges.

- Initial Range [h: min: sec] - range (5 ranges) of time in which the routes took place. Each range has an initial and final time of route range;
- Duration [h: min: sec] - time spent during each of the 5 time range;
- Percentage [%] - percentage of time spent on each of the 5 time ranges.

Available information in Report
- Total area [hectare].

- Total duration [h: min: sec] - total time spent on all alarms.

- Total duration [h: min: sec] - total time spent in all events.

- Total duration [h: min: sec] - total time spent in all stops.

- Total duration [h: min: sec] - total time spent during the entire route;
- Total traveled distance [km];
- Average speed [km / h].

Additional functions
- Legend edition for setting the ranges; 
- Zoom control ( '+' and '-' and function 'Shift' + selecting the desired area with the mouse); 
- Full-screen view; 
- Summarized report; 
- Map centralization using the 'planet' icon; 
- Show/hide legend; 
- Drawing an area.