The 'Conversion Factors' field is used to convert the harvested amount (liters) into bags, because that is the only way to generate the information required for the 'Harvest Map' and 'Productivity Map'.
The default factor in system is 0.15, but it can be edited by the user as follows:
1- Access 'Conversion Factors' in the 'Management' menu;
2- Select the 'Harvester' and the 'Date' as you desire;
3- A list of all work periods for the selected machine will be presented with their respective Conversion Factor boxes;
4- Click on next to the period whose conversion factor you want to edit;
5- Change the factor to the desired value and click on to finish. In case you want to cancel the edition, click on
E.g.: 1,000 liters x 0.15 (default conversion factor) = 150 kg
Note 1: the periods are generated at machine stoppages lasting 1 minute or more.
Note 2: The conversion factor may vary from 0.1 (minimum) to 1 (maximum).