Follow the next steps in order to upload the files: 

1- Take the USB flash drive out of the machine and connect it to the computer to transfer the files;

Note: the machines files are generated in .txt format and its name contains a code generated by the machine consisting of the letter 'J' followed by the date on which the operation was carried out (ddmmyy). E.g.: J010712. 

2- In case you wish, rename the files for easily identifying them;
3- Access Otmis Net system, click on 'Management' and then 'Machines Files';
4- Click on  at the right upper part of the screen;

5- A pop-up will appear on the screen. Click on  or drag the file(s) to this field;
6- After loading the file(s), click on  to start the upload;

Note: the system already has a feature that identifies the internal content of each file. Therefore, the system will display a warning message in case a file is added twice thus ensuring the quality and integrity of information.

7- After uploading the file(s), it/they will be available in the list of machines files.