The 'Machines' field displays the list of all customer’s machines registered in the system. The registry thereof is carried out only by Otmis Support at the time of purchase and the user (even with Administrator profile) has only permission to edit the Name and Enable/Disable their status. In this field you can check all information regarding the machine such as name, model/year and serial number.
Follow the next steps in order to edit them:
1- Access 'Machines' in the 'Management' menu;
2- The list of all registered machines will be displayed;
3- Click on right beside the machine you want to edit;
4- In case you want to Enable/Disable a machine, just click on . Once disabled, it will not be visible in the monitoring menu anymore.
5- When clicking on , a window with all the information about the selected machine will be opened;
6- Click on and replace the "Name" as desired;
7- Click on to finish.