There are two ways to edit an area: 1) editing only the area information; 2) editing the area drawing.

Editing only the area information
1- Access Area in the Management menu. The information regarding the registered Farms and their respective Areas will be displayed on the screen’s left sidebar; 

2- Check the box related to the Area you want to edit and click on . A pop up with the Area information will be opened;

3- Edit the information you want to change;
4- Click on  to finish the process.

Editing the area drawing
1- Access Area in the Management menu;
2- Click on Draw Areas;

3- Select the area you want to edit in ‘Area’. It will be displayed on the map. Zoom it in to better view it;
4- Click on  in Drawing Control to start editing. Click on the outlined area you want to change and it will become blue with orange points. Move them as you wish;
5- After finishing it, click on any part of the map with the mouse and then on . The created area will be tied to the selected farm and will be available for use.