Besides delimitating the Area manually, it is also possible to create areas by uploading files in .kml and .shp (shapefile) formats. Follow the steps below to do so:

1- Access 'Area' in the 'Management' menu;
2- Click on  in the Farm you want to create the Area. In case there is no Farm registered in system, refer to article Creating Area . A new pop-up will be opened;

3- Select the 'Area Type (required);
4- Click on  to select the file to be imported;
5- After selected, the file will be shown at the bottom part of the pop-up;
- Insert the 'Start Date' and the 'End Date' (optional);
- Select a color (optional);
6- Click on ;

7- The area outline will be created and ready for use. Click on the box with the name of the imported file in the map sidebar to view it.